Life Goals for April!

Hello April!

Hello lighter evenings and sun shining through the windows to show how dusty your blinds are.

Hello blossom trees and every blogger worth their salt standing in front of one with hashtag ootd!

Hello the scent of freshly cut grass and the beginning of months of endlessly nagging your other half to cut the bloody grass!

I’m feeling all inspired and motivated today.

Today is the first of April and also my baby girl is officially 4 weeks old! The last 4 weeks have been a complete haze of baby, visitors, broken sleep, takeaways and daytime telly. March passed in a blur and as we come out of the other side I feel like I really want to make April count.

So I’m setting me some life goals! Just little things that I want to do this month that will make me feel better mentally, physically and just like I’m back on top of my game and not merging into being part of the sofa buried under baby bibs and muslin clothes!

Dye my hair

Sunshine just seems to highlight my grey hairs even more and since I haven’t dyed my hair for months there are a lot of greys! It makes me feel so old and haggard. This month I am making the time to dye my hair and feel a bit fresher/younger!

Find a good new mascara

My mascara has run out and to be honest I haven’t been completely happy with it, in fact I stopped wearing any for months but a quick coat or two always makes my eyes look bigger and better and with the bags upon bags I’m carrying under them thanks to broken sleep I need all the help I can get! I just need to find a new one that works for me so looking out for all recommendations to try out, if you have any let me know!

Leave the baby

So me and Lyla have been together every day for the last 4 weeks which is lovely and all but I need to escape for a couple of hours and she needs to spend some quality time with her dad! I’m not talking about jumping on the next plane out of here but maybe taking Mollie out somewhere just the 2 of us, a cinema and lunch date or a bit of shopping, just a few hours quality mum and daughter time without taking a car full of prams/car seats/nappies/bottles etc.

Declutter my wardrobe and buy some new clothes

My wardrobe is bursting but there is literally nothing in there I want to wear. After living in maternity jeans/leggings for the past 7 months and barely buying anything new it’s time to treat myself. I’m sticking to a new rule of only buying things I absolutely love and will definitely wear though, I am so guilty of buying things without trying them on or buying into fast fashion trends then only wearing something once and rarely do I leave the house feeling good!

I want to wear clothes that fit and make me feel fabulous or at least not like a bag of shit, so bring on a new spring/summer wardrobe!

Now if someone can tell me where I can find a decent non see through white t shirt please?

Get my body back!

I nearly wrote “live a healthier lifestyle” but honestly, is there anything more cliche on a life goal post than that? Instead I want to reclaim my body! Lyla rented out some space in t for the last 9 months but my child bearing days are over and although I’m quite happy with how my body looks in general I could definitely do with a bit of toning in certain areas.

Now I am aware that having had a C section there is no point even attempting hitting the gym hard and doing myself more harm than good but I can definitely be a bit more active than I currently am! I’m on the look out for some easy exercises/workouts to do post surgery so if you have any recommendations let me know!

Have a family day out!

So far Lyla’s outside the house experiences have mostly involved Asda and Costa. I’m not going to lie, taking her out at the moment stresses me out. There’s so much stuff to take and so little time between bottles. The pram takes over the whole car, the parasol never seems to keep the sun out of her face, it’s just a whole mission but I need to get over it and rejoin the real world. Hopefully this month we can take her out to somewhere a bit more exciting than the supermarket and spend some time together as the 4 of us!

So it’s going to be a busy month, but hopefully a happy month, enjoy your April whatever you have planned!

4 thoughts on “Life Goals for April!

  1. I think it can be very healthy to have a bit of time away from a baby 🙂 Helps you get back into a normal headspace, so to speak. Good luck with your goals! 🙂

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    1. I agree, and gets them used to being away from you a little bit too! I’ll only be leaving her with her dad at first and he’ll probably be glad to spend a bit of time with her since he’s gone back to work now! Thank you 😊

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